Aaron Jackson in The Social Poet
Read the poem Inhabiting Wall Street by Aaron Jackson in The Social Poet.
New Poem in The Whirlwind Review
The poem “Coffee Bubbles” written by Aaron Jackson is in the Spring 2013 issue of The Whirlwind Review.
A Poem in a Kattywompus Press Anthology
“What Animal I Would Be” by Aaron Jackson will be in Mercury Retrograde, a Kattywompus Press Anthology.
A Poem in Runaway Parade!
Read the poem “Irene” by Aaron Middlepoet Jackson in the latest issue of Runaway Parade.
Fake Tree Haiku
Middle (Aaron B. Jackson) Gets Academic
Check out Tea Timed by Aaron Middlepoet Jackson as published in Timepiece Literary Journal a publication run by students at the University of Mary Washington.
Jersey City Poet Laureate Ceremony, 2004
Aaron Middlepoet Jackson In Cloud City Press Anthology
The poem Clang Of The Dog Bowl by Aaron Middlepoet Jackson (Aaron B. Jackson) will be in the first poetry/flash fiction anthology released by Cloud City Press. The anthology will be released at 7:00PM on the 29th of November at Common Good Books. Common Good Books is located on Grand and Snelling Ave in St. Paul, MN across from Macalester College. If you are in St. Paul, check it out.