Check out two more poems that Aaron B. Jackson co-wrote with his mother Jane Jackson while she was recovering from a traumatic medical incident. (She is all better now.) The poems are on the website Baseball Bard, a very cool website dedicated to the most poetic game.
A Poem About Baseball
Check out a baseball poem by Aaron Middlepoet Jackson and his Mom!
Aaron Middlepoet Jackson in The Bark Magazine!
People Practicing Poetic Politics Politely Prying Prayers Promising Pristine Purple Poppies Passing Potions Proportionately Peeling Petunia Petals Phonetically Prescribed
Middle Making Magnificent Magical Moments Mindfully Mixing Memories Mythically Moving Mountains Metaphorically Mechanizing Mathematical Minions Mining Minerals Miraculously
Middlepoet (Aaron B. Jackson) featuring at Just Add Sound one year anniversary!
Middlepoet (Aaron B. Jackson) will be featuring at the one year anniversary of Just Add Sound.
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New single, now available for download on Amazon!
It is finally here. I’m Tired the single. Produced by Tony Hinds for Weerai Music. Download it now on Amazon with the link below.
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Read Two Poems by Aaron B. Jackson now in 4 and 20
Check out two poems in 4 and 20 Poetry!
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Aaron B. Jackson in Anthology to Benefit Haiti