Check out the poem Defendable Dog by Aaron B. Jackson now at The Furious Gazelle!
New Poem Published
ABJ has a new poem published in Babbling of the Irrational.
Easter Bunny Tracks

Here is a fun little trick we learned for Easter. Take a piece of paper or cardboard and cut out little bunny paws. Once the coast is clear during the night, take some baby powder and make little bunny tracks wherever the Easter Bunny would travel through your house. A great extra treat on Easter morning.
A Very Personal Poem By ABJ Just Published
The poem I Remember by Aaron B. Jackson has been published in Babbling of the Irrational.
New Poem by ABJ in San Francisco Peace and Hope Issue 5
The Poem Eleven Years is now Available as Part of the Breaking Free anthology

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Aaron Jackson in the latest Issue of The Prompt Literary Magazine

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